Jurassic Park III is a 2001 American science fiction adventure film and the third of the Jurassic Park franchise. It is the first film in the series that was not directed by Steven Spielberg nor based on a book by Michael Crichton (though numerous scenes in the film were taken from Crichton's novels Jurassic Park and The Lost World). The film takes place on Isla Sorna, the island featured in the second film, where a divorced couple has tricked Dr. Alan Grant into going in order to help them find their son.
After the success of Spielberg's Jurassic Park, Joe Johnston expressed interest in directing a sequel, a film adaptation of The Lost World. Spielberg instead gave Johnston permission to direct the third film in the series, if there were to be one. Production of Jurassic Park III began on August 30, 2000. Upon its release, the film received mixed to negative reviews, with many stating that despite the visual effects and action scenes, the film was inferior and unoriginal. Jurassic Park III grossed $368 million worldwide.
http://www.gbafun.com/thumbs/Jurassic Park III - Park Builder.jpg
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