Cinnamoroll (シナモロール, Shinamorōru) is a character series created by Sanrio in 2001, with character designs from Miyuki Okumura. The main character, Cinnamon, is a white puppy with long ears, blue eyes, pink cheeks, and a plump and curly tail that resembles a cinnamon roll. He starred in his own Manga series, an anime movie and various animation shorts.
In its initial run, the series expanded into two official side series: Cinnamoangels (シナモエンジェルス, Shinamoenjerusu) in 2005, which focuses on Azuki, Mocha and Chiffon and Lloromannic (ルロロマニック, Ruroromanikku) in 2007, which focuses on both Berry and Cherry. - Koko ni Iru yo.jpg
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